Tuesday, January 20, 2009

tummy tuesday when i had floofs

iz tummy tuesday. i iz still upsets over yesterday's fiasco wiff mean mommy and the evil floof-stealer.
luckily i finded this picture of my tummy taken the night before mommy stealed my floofs and i iz still all pretties


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi! This is our first visit to your blog. We're sorry about your floofs being stolen. That's terrible!

Tom and Tama-Chan

The Creek Cats said...

We are also sorry your floofs was stolen! We understand you are mad, we were mad when it happened to us too. You is still pretties!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

welcome new furry friends! mommy sez i iz still a floofball but.....*sigh* i think she taked my best furs...

jenianddean said...

You're still pretty ... sometimes you just need to be Furminated to keep your furs untangled and smooth.

Daisy said...

Peanut Butter, you have so much beautiful floof, that I'll bet you have plenty to spare for the furminator. Maybe you could save your extra furs and knit them into a sweater!

The Island Cats said...

PB, you'd be purrty even without all your floof!

Everycat said...

If the humans do the crime (floof stealing) they must do the time (enduring a feline sulk)

If I find a lawyer PB I'll let you know - we do need proper contracts for modelling!


PB 'n J said...

That's some serious floof there PB! Mommy is getting ready to fuminate us, we're hiding under the bed!

Ana said...

we are very happy we can spread our floof around the flat cause mommy is too lazy to get a floof brushie ;-)

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

i never thinks of some of these ideas! you kitties is smart. A Floof Sweater! I likes!
Although I do likes the idea of hiring a lawyer and making mommy pay for her stealing.....If you do find one please lets me know. I need the modeling contract and personal suffering law suits! :)

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Iy mommy stolded my furs, I know exactly where to find more furs...under the bed...she REALLY needs to clean under there.