at first when mommy heared this week's photo hunt was "chipped" she said she was purr-pleh-X. (i haz no idea what that iz). she haz no ideas how to show you i iz chipped cuz i iz good (and very pretty) kitty and no breaks stuff.
so i helps her get un-purr-pleh-x. i getted a bag of chippies and told her to get the flashy box ready--i gonna show her how i gets chipped
mommy, what is in here anyway?
aaah yeah, that's the good stuff! almost as good as the nip!
i am so off for a nap now.....
You need some salsa to go with those chips!
OHHH how Cute - LOL - Thanks for the smiles. Loved your take on this weeks theme.
You are one pretty kitty!
Yum! I didn't know cats like to get chipped. :D
I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit.
Chips 'n dip 'n nip!
What could be more fun than a bag that goes crunch?
Oh we lubs tato chips too, they are so goods. Only certain kinds doe. Have purrfect Saturday.
You're all that and a bag of chips. (I'm so embarrassed that Mommy wrote that. She's such a dork.)
Peanut, your white belleh is so pretty! I like to eat chips, too. My Daddie gives me a little pile of tiny pieces of chips, and my Mommie, she says "You really should not give those to Daisy!". Then I give her a real hard look.
*shakes head* grreta, you may needs to hits your mommy for that one! (no claws though, just a little tap to say you is so silly)
sadly i no gets to really eat the chippies...but i thinks mommy owes me cuz i was so cutes for her!!!
daisy---i was tricked. i no shows my belly for no one! i don't know what happened!
That' a great take on the theme today.
Mom says thank you so much for the well wishes. Her shoulder is still hurting, but we are trying to visit a little each day.
ohhhhhhhhh!! so cute!! I loe your belleh picture too muchz!! mai mom wants to put it on!! lol!! you is soooooooo cute in that video!!
Very funny! And a very creative interpretation of the theme.
oh wow. I cant wait to get my dog n watch her frolic ard the house!
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