Saturday, December 20, 2008

helping mommy wrap

today i helpeded mommy wraps presents! she sez is almost Chrissymouse and Santa Paws will be coming!

i don't know who this one's for but i hopes is for me! iz furry and jingles and moves when i hits it.holding the paper for mommy. she saids it was quite 'propriate for me. i think that word means comfy.

i tries to help but i getted all wrapped up instead! mommy couldn't stop laughing at me. but sed i iz bested present she ever getted.

mommy i thinks this one is for me! I hopes its more red mice!
No peeking Peanut!


Everycat said...

PB you are so helpful and you can't be naughty like the paper says as you sat on it nicely and didn't rip it up, like I would have done!

Whicky Wuudler

3 Cat Blog said...

Oh you are so helpful! I'm sure Santa will be good to you ;)

Parker said...

You are the prettiest thing under the tree!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

Parker, you iz very smart kitties. that's what i sayz. i pretty! and i good helper! wait till yous sees what i getted mommy and i wrappeded it myself!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

I'm sure you are your mommie's best present! You are a very good little helper. Spunky Doodle likes helping me wrap too.