Thursday, January 15, 2009

i iz thankful i iz pretties

mommy taked 77 pictures of me wiff the new flashy box! 77! i can't even counts that many (see my maff lesson from Sat if you no believes me) But i thinks it comes after 10. And thaz a lot! And all in one day!

i iz very worried the flashy box is stealin' my pretties cuz mommy showed me what was in the flashy box and look what it taked!

look at all my pretties it taked!

it even getted my floofy pretty tail!

so then i tries to get smarter than flashy box. i tries to sit very stills so it iz tricked and thinks i iz statue and not a pretty kitty...

but the flashy box was not fooled and it taked more pretties!

So then i tries hiding. the old flashy box no taked pictures of me in my hiding spots cuz iz too dark there...

but this flashy box finded me and look at these pretties it getted!

i iz very worried there will be no more pretties left soon if it keeps taking. i iz worried mommy catch on if i breaks this one too...anyone knows how to make a flashy box disappear?

from jenny: My thankful Thursday is that I am not sick anymore! Yay! And PB took good care of me. She loved the sleeping for hours at a time part!


snowforest said...

That's a wicked flashy box if I ever saw one...maybe you oughta hide its battery...

Sweet Purrfections said...

Awwwww, PB, that flashy box is just sharing your prettiness with us and I am sure glad.

Glad your mommy is feeling better.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I think the flashy box is multiplying your pretties. We're so glad your mommy is feeling better.

Everycat said...

PB, our Mum tells us that the more pictures she takes of us, the more pretties we have - we are not sure about this and think she may be fibbing. You do look very pretty though and your floofy tail is awesome!


3 Cat Blog said...

You do have a lovely tail! Wow!

Emmy loves the flashy box ... she's a real Tyra Banks. LOL

But you're too pretty to have your prettiness taken away! No flashy box could do that ... we're glad it's sharing your prettiness with us!

3 Cat Blog said...

And our human thinks your human may be a bit obsessed ... 77 photos? LOL

The Creek Cats said...

PB, honey, you have so much pretties the flashy box could never steal all of it! You will never run out of pretties!

We are so glad to hear your momma is feeling better, you musta been a real good nursekitty!

Daisy said...

My Mommie takes lots and lots and lots of photos too. But not all of mine are pretty like yours, so many of them go into the delete trash can.

I agree with Grrreta, and think the flash box is only multiplying your pretties!

Cafe Cats said...

That flashy box found all of your pretties! Good thing you got lots of pretties to share.


Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

you guyz is very nice! i still not sure you iz not lying. i thinks my mommy maked you tell me flashy box is good. i likes the multiplying my pretties....that is good....i haz to looks into this more
and i likes my tail too. iz my fay-furry part! mommy keeps trying to brushy it..sez i has funny butt hairs.

daisy you iz too pretty to be thrown in trash!

Jacey of Altairi said...

Ok I MIGHT be a little obsessed with taking pics of her right now but....

she never lets me! And suddenly this week she's been posing and not attacking so I took full advantage just in case I never get another shot again!

And Daisy 1, I agree with PB that you are too cute for garbage...but PB's pics are the same way.....she was not the most photogenic lil kitty but this new camera, er, flashy box, took some of the best shots of her ever!

plus she's just do dang cute and floofy how can I resist?

~love jenny via jenny's other site

jenianddean said...

We're glad your mom is feeling better. And it is hard for her not to take pictures of you when you are so cute.

The Island Cats said...

Oh we think we're gonna be seeing lots of purrty pictures of you!

TrishaRitchieNC said...

awww, such a pretty kitty outa love it's pretty picture being taken by flashy box. Just smile!