mommy FINALLY taked down the chrissy-mouse tree today. she haz been very very busy and no had time. i helped! but now i has no pretty tree to hide under and no pretty twinkles! i loves shiny objects!
Christmas is the best time of the year, because there are so many shiny and twinkly things to play with then. I think beans should put up shiny and twinkly decorations all year long.
i iz pretty, fluffy and I'S HATES TO BE TOUCHED! not sure what my name iz...mommy calls me peanut, peanut butter, ferret, monkey, princess, fuzzbutt, muffin, pumpkin, munchkin, pretty girl, pretty kitty, evil monster, crazy monster, crazy monkey, psycho kitty, vicious monster. Oh and bunny. I iz not a freakin bunny, i iz a pretty kitty
Maybe your Mommy will find some shiny twinkly things for valentines day to put up?
It's always a sad moment when the shiny baubles on the Chrissy Mouse tree come down, but they will return!
Tom and Tama-Chan
We loved sleeping under the tree too. We think there should be a tree up all year!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We sure hated to see our Chrissy Mouse tree get put away! We miss the shinny things and we used to whap them under the furniture!
Cute kitty! We have four - they are so much fun.
Happy WW!
Hopefully there are other shiny objects and places to hide
LOL! The tree *just* came down? Happy WW!
Shiny things are very beautiful! You need to find some new shiny things to look at.
Mommy Loves shiny things, she is like a racoon.
Christmas is the best time of the year, because there are so many shiny and twinkly things to play with then. I think beans should put up shiny and twinkly decorations all year long.
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